Thursday, August 5, 2010

My life in boxes

California here I come! At least, I'd love to get there... I just have to pack first.

I'm a 20-something girl, ready to take my future by the gonads and brave the west coast. One problem - I have to pack. I've chosen to cross the countyin a car, which means I've forced myself into a corner (a tiny, little, white, Ford Taurus, to be exact). I have the task of packing all of my belongings into one car. I've already stated that I am a girl, in my twenties... this, alone, should give you a hint at the obstacle I have in front of me. I own plenty of clothes, a plethora of shoes, picture frames galore, and to add that cherry on top, I am a HUGE bookworm. My last apartment was overrun with books. They were stacked on my fridge and shoved under my drawing table; situated on every shelf I owned, like a personal library wallpaper. All of these books, clothes, and belongings have to fit inside this one, brave car and be hauled off to California. Sounds fun, hu? I haven't told you the best part! My loving boyfriend had agreed to jump in that car too, along with all of his possessions. It's apparent that we both have to let go of a few things... errr... a lot of things. I've sold my clothes at local thrift shops, pushed my furniture to the curb (where it was swiftly picked up by the next college student, before it had time to leave a mark in the grass), and smartly organized my books into boxes.

Will it all fit? I'll keep you posted.

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